Favorite quotes
[by Rachel] A collection of iconic Les Litvack quotes
Leslie Litvack
[by Rachel] A collection of iconic Les Litvack quotes
[by Beth] A distinct smell that will always remind us of him
[by Beth] Value is in the eye of the beholder
[by Beth] Growing up and feeling thankful
[by Beth] Working the system at a young age
[by Rachel] The time our dad literally wouldn't hurt a fly
[by Samara] A smattering of Dad's favorite local restaurants and dishes
[by Samara] Disappointed Dad on the side of the Florida interstate
[by Rachel] The story of a not-so-happy meal
[by Beth] A cute and funny Dadism from our childhood
[by Rachel] Dad's view on frequenting the Asian restaurant we work at
[by Beth] That's not some random old guy. That's my dad!
[by Samara] Dad's favorite Grateful Dead song with lyrics and video
[by Samara] Reflecting on stories about work and the Video Trading Company
[by Beth] The story of how the Tennessee Litvacks came to be
[by Rachel] A hard workin' Dad spending time with his kids whenever he can
[by Beth] In Johnson City, TN, Dad had two reputations