[by Samara]
Dad always gave us financial advice, whether we were ready to hear it or not. Here are a few of the greatest hits.
He said to fill your gas tank when it got to halfway. It saved money. The truth is, he didn't care if it did or not, but if there's a chance you could save a few pennies, why risk it? Another nice bonus about filling up at halfway—you always have enough gas to get where you're going. Even if you don't care about those pennies, it's worth it to be prepared. You never know when you'll get stuck on the interstate.
He always suggested putting back $20 out of each paycheck that you never touch. Forget it exists. Save it until retirement. In addition to your 401k. You'll never miss it but you'll be glad you did.
He said everyone should pay least one extra mortgage payment a year. It'll save you thousands in the end.
And he picked up change any time he found on the ground. He'd say cheesy things like "for the gold mine!" and "these streets are paved with gold!" Every little bit helps.